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Learn about Tarot and Quantum Reiki

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Welcome to Coffee Cups Tarot and Reiki's blog. Here you'll have the opportunity to learn more in-depth about Tarot and Quantum Reiki, and related topics. These two healing technologies can truly change your life!

Tables of Contents

Who is behind Coffee Cups Tarot and Reiki?

What can you learn here?

What's next?

Who is behind Coffee Cups Tarot and Reiki?

My name is Elizabeth. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I am a certified Thoth Master Tarot Reader and a Quantum Reiki Master, who is studying to become a Grand Master. I believe that tarot and reiki are two spiritual tools that can have a direct and helpful impact on people's lives.

I was raised in a new-age cult and found Tarot cards when I was 13 years old. I was in love with reading them.

I became a Christian at age 16 and fell into the most fundamentalist, legalistic version of the faith - you could say, I joined another cult!

Tarot and Oracle cards always called to me - and they were part of my life on and off for years. After 2016, I moved to the Pacific Northwest and began to see the ways in which my spiritual life was being held captive by the overly strict belief system I had embraced. I still loved Jesus, but I knew that my path was meant to expand.

I began to allow myself to explore.

In 2021, I began looking into certifications for Tarot and Reiki, because I knew I wanted to use my healing gifts to help others.

I've named this little corner of the web Coffee Cups Tarot and Reiki to honor my favorite suit in the Tarot - the Suit of Cups, as well as to send a nod to my fondness for coffee and my love for life here in the Pacific northwest.

Now, I seek to help other spiritual rebels who want to break free from old fear-based patterns and live more authentically. That's the purpose for this blog - to help you live a more empowered, and authentic life.

What can you expect to learn here?

On this blog, I plan to share about all things Tarot and Quantum Reiki. We will discuss these two spiritual technologies and things that relate to them directly. I will also be sharing things about: mindset, spirituality, and creativity.

You might find tarot spreads, journal prompts, manifesting techniques to try, and more.

What's next?

I am so glad you are here! Please follow along to learn more about Quantum Reiki and Tarot. I will endeavor to have new content for you each week.

You can follow me on Social Media. I am on Instagram and TikTok as @coffeecupstarot.

Sign up for my newsletter to get an awesome freebie on How to Cultivate a Magical Morning Routine. This will also help you stay in touch when I have special classes available, or have some fun, free tips and tricks to send your way!

If you're ready to dive into Tarot OR Quantum Reiki, you can send me a message on the Contact page, or book a reading or healing session directly on the site.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.


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